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How did the project come about?

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" Hello everyone!

My name is Masha. I am originally  from Yraoslavl, Russia but my roots go back to Kurba. My ancestors - a family of merchants lived here 100 yars ago. The idea of ​​the project was born to me and my friends, then we connected with the Lift project, the Kurbas village administration, and the «White Iris Foundation», which is engaged in restoration of Kurba’s church. Kurba is my family nest, it is connected with the happiest time of my childhood and youth as well as my family history dating back to far generations. My ancestors invested in the construction of the Kurba’s church of Our Lady of Kazan and my  great-great-grandmother got married in it. Here was their home. As a child, we ran to the big temple to sing, stunned by its beauty. In general, Kurba is a some place of power for me and I always wanted to share this place with good people so that they would heal it in a new way and then attention would come to it. 

 Today the church is collapsing, houses are burning, fences are being built, the face of the place is being erased. I want to save its beauty by this project".

Friends, who do it with me:

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